Sunday, April 12, 2009

Passover Pillowcase.2

This is a new colorway for my Passover pillowcase a la IrfanView. I'm liking this colorway a lot; it has a springlike feeling to it.

We sit on cushions during the sedar to remind us that we are not slaves -- slaves were not allowed the comfort of a cushion. This year on the second night of Passover, the Obamas held a sedar in the White House. In one photo, you can the woman to the President's left is leaning against a cushion.

This image has two quotations from the Torah, one about the making of matzoh (on the left), and another about keeping the holiday of Passover (in the center). The text on the right is my mom's matzoh ball recipe which I've already used twice this week! FYI, for the past two years, I've been using whole wheat matzoh meal.

As I worked on this piece (originally on paper before it went onto fabric), I noticed that the ridges of the matzoh, were convenient lines for the text. Later I noticed that the texture of caligraphy and ink blots can also resemble the texture of matzoh.

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