Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Buffalo Tree Hopper

E4 - Buffalo Tree Hopper is one of my very favorite Dear Jane blocks. I like the odd geometry and its overall look. I even like the rhythm of its name. I chose this fabric because the fans echo the shapes in the corners.

Redraft of the Corners
To match Jane's block, I lengthened the red "tails." In the other two corners, I changed the piecing to simplify the construction. I can't tell from the photo in the book if I've created something new or not.

Latin Name
Here's a link for those who want to learn more about treehoppers. There are over 3,200 species! The article features a photo of a Buffalo Treehopper, aka Stictocephala bisonia. (Perhaps, this is the only Dear Jane block with a Latin name!)

Virtual Quilts
This winter, I created a series of virtual quilts, Valentines for Jane. In one, Buffalo Tree Hopper forms a checkerboard with G2 - Mohawk Trail. At another time, I made a checkerboard from Buffalo Tree Hopper and its mirror image. That quilt may have too much movement in it. It's certainly not a quilt I'd want to look at if I were seasick. I do think some of the effect is due to a shadow in the original photo. [Note: Seam allowances were cropped before making the mosaics.]

Red and White
For me, the red and white combination brings to mind the fresh smell of clean sheets drying in the sun. Perhaps the sheets have a few treehoppers enjoying the roller coaster ride created by the breeze.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great. I think the one with the two different blocks needs to be an actual quilt. What a great design.


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