Saturday, June 30, 2012


The tutorial is here. Some purist might not consider it origami, because it requires glue.Each flower is made with five matching sheets of origami paper. I have lots of origami paper but only had a few patterns in multiples of five, so this is it for now. I'd love to try that big ball made with 12 flowers (60 sheet of paper) all joined together. I think cutting up wrapping paper might be another way to go....especially if you wanted to make really big ones!

The red sewing clips are helpful for holding the paper together until the glue dries. Click the photo to enlarge it.

Here's an alternate method for a more intricate flower. While this method holds the petal together with folding, it shill requires glue to join the five petals into a flower and to join 12 flowers into a ball. I'd like to try it some time.

Check out this Flickr kusudama group!

1 comment:

Art. Of Grace said...

Thanks for the instructions, especially for the link to the more complex flower. I ordered a used book to learn how to create those. This is what I do with my little etsy shop, create kusudama flowers for bouquets. Take a look here - i am always hoping to become more creative and you just helped me out.


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