Friday, June 29, 2012

Plarn 2

Addicted to Plarn
Just to explain how addictive plarn has become for me . . . Each day I cut up one plastic bag (or two) and crochet it. If I still want to crochet, I rip out something else I've already made and crochet it into something new. I've been at this for about a week and already I've run out of bags, primarily because I mostly use cloth bags . . . use plastic bags for trash.

What is the Draw?
What is this fascination with plarn? A free craft material? Perhaps, but I think it's more than that. It has something to do with:

  • The way the plastic yarn transforms as it is crocheted.
  • The squishy feel of the crocheted fabric.
  • Each vendor's bag transforms into a unique texture and color.

Exploring the Variety
Plarn from Thank You bags
How each plastic bag will work-up can be a surprise. I have learned to predict the characteristics of the plarn fabric based on the characteristics of the bag. Those with a tissue papery weight and sound, tend to make a more straw like fabric.

My Favorite
I've come up with a favorite. Sort of. I'm also drawn by the variety. The bag is white with thin red letters that say "Thank you." It's plarn has a nice clean look with pale pink markings.I had one of these bags and I have no idea where I got it. I vaguely remember getting a bag some place that did not have the name of the vendor but don't remember where. I'm hoping more show up.

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