Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brandon's Star

K13 - Brandon's Star is my last yellow Dear Jane block -- unless I decide to make the kites and triangle blocks. Otherwise, I have only 5 blocks to go. After all this work, I'm beginning to think I will miss  making these finicky little (4.5 inches) blocks.

I redrafted one part of the block - those large yellow triangles are two smaller triangles in Brenda's draft. I followed Jane's block instead.

C1 - Trooper Green's Badge
I should rename this block: "Button, Button"! I love this fabric! It was used for three other yellow blocks: A8 - Florence Nightingale, C1 - Trooper Green's Badge, and E12 - Mary Ruth's Corset.

Wee Bit Wonky?
I thought this block was nice and plumb, but when I scanned it, I could not get it straight. After six tries, I went back to the first image. It will have to do.

Dear Jane Progress = 164 blocks (97%), 3,409 pieces
As of Wednesday, June 1, 2011, another row (10 so far) is complete. I have 5 more blocks to go!


Jolanda said...

Only 5 to go!! Great. I know how you feel. I was like an orpheline after finishing my blocks. But you still have to sew them together and make a border and then quilt. I'm still on my side borders, it is so slowly because I hand quilt. meanwile I started the Civil War block of the week, so every week I have a block to do and I do them in 4" instead of 8".
It will be nice to see all you block together:)

Minka said...

Thank you, Jolanda! I'll have to take a look at your tiny blocks!


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