Friday, May 30, 2008

Big Band Fabric -- and the Sheik of Araby

This is the fabric I started talking about yesterday. If you happen to know where I can get more, please give me a shout. It would be a miracle to find more of this fabric today since this was likely purchased in 1998 or 2003. I never expected to like it so much. The quilt recipients clearly love this fabric, too. It goes well with their love of music and their NYC brown stone decorated in a a playful mix of the old and the new. [To date, they have a matching pillow, have seen the quilt top in person, and the label on yesterday's post.]

If I'd had more of this fabric, I might have used it for the backing. It's possible the fabric would have lost its punch when used in a large expanse. Perhaps that's why I did not fully recognize its potential as it came off the bolt. I really don't remember what I was thinking when I bought it (possibly eight years ago) other than I needed lots of different black and white fabrics.

I used most of what what was left for the quilt label. At this point, I don't even have a full lengthwise repeat. If I found more of the big band fabric today, I might make a few items to go with the quilt. (Here are a few shots of the pillow I made to go with the quilt.)This is the type of experience that ultimately leads a quilter into overstashing and then (hopefully) into a 12-step program such as Fabric Stashers Anonymous!

A final note. When I look at this fabric I hear The Sheik of Araby. Have a listen!

Oscar Peterson
New York Ukelele Ensemble

Rocky Mountain Rhythm Kings

Reggie Houston

Orchestre Ducoin

Django Reinhardt

?An Austrian group?

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