Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Which Points West?

A10 - Which Points West? is my newest Dear Jane block.

The dark green fabric was also used in L6 - Maze of Madness. The light green print was used in my very first Dear Jane block, B1 - Bachelor Buttons, and M7 - Junko's Rose Garden. I like the way it almost reads as a cameo (of a flower!).

Draft and Construction
I decided the central melon was a perfect opportunity to try reverse applique. I did it before any piecing was done. Just in case anything went wrong, I would not be wasting time on piecing that had to be thrown away. It's not perfect but it's good enough to keep. I learned enough that I might try using this technique again. I basted too close to the edge and now I understand why that's a bad idea -- it's nearly impossible to tuck-in the seam allowance.

Dear Jane Progress = 150 Blocks
As of October 11, 2010, I have 19 blocks to go (plus a few replacement blocks); I have completed 8 rows and 7 columns.

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